EDIHs & AI/Robotics Horizon Europe Calls 2024

  • 14 September 2023
    12:00 PM
  • Michalská 12, Prague

As a participant, you will have the opportunity to:

  • receive first-hand information on the future AI/robotics calls 2024 under Horizon Europe;

  • network with other researchers and developers from the Czech Republic and Bavaria from academia and from companies working in the field of AI/robotics;

  • give a short presentation (pitch talk of max. 4 minutes) about your expertise and/or project idea in the first two sessions;

  • to present their own topics/idea proposals to the plenary in the third session in the "BarCamp" format using keywords and a very short description (shorter than 1 minute). The participants select the four topics that arouse the majority of interest. These are presented and then discussed with the plenary.

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