Get to know the Minimum Security Standard

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In Czechia, every legal entity is regulated by the GDPR. But not every one is regulated by the Cybersecurity Act or the Classified Information Protection Act. And many organizations will not be affected by the modified legislation after the transposition of the NIS2 Directive.

So what security framework should you rely on if you are not obliged by any law in the field of cyber security and you do not need to implement the rather demanding ISO 27001? For many of you, the NÚKIB´s (The National Cyber and Information Security Agency) Minimum Security Standard may be the answer.

The seminar, which takes place as part of the Cyber Security Academy organized by the Brno Regional Chamber of Commerce, will be conducted by Ing. Jiří Sedláček. Participation is free, but be sure to register. The event will be in Czech. 


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