The Role Played by the CyberSecurityHubcz
• Supporting the development of cybersecurity skills: CyberSecurityHubcz has played a key role in providing expertise and advice in the field of cybersecurity. The organisation has been involved in the development and implementation of a methodology for assessing current skills needs and predicting new skills that will be required in the sector in the future.
• Collaboration on the development of the Cybersecurity Skills Framework: Collaboration on the development and testing of a skills framework for different professional roles in cybersecurity as part of a broader European strategy for cyber skills.
• Coordination of project activities and involvement in the federated training platform: CyberSecurityHubcz has actively collaborated in the development and piloting of a federated cyber training platform to test and train professionals on cyber threat simulations.
The Relevance of This Project for CyberSecurityHubcz
• Increased professional capacity and awareness of cybersecurity: the REWIRE project has enabled CyberSecurityHubcz to expand its professional capacity and raise awareness of the importance of cyber security in the wider community, including public institutions, educational institutions and corporate sectors.
• Supporting organisational development and growth: participation in this project has provided the Hub with access to new methodologies, tools and skills prediction tools that can be used to develop its education and training programmes. The project has also contributed to strengthening its international network and collaboration with leading organisations in the field of cybersecurity.
• Strategic connection to European initiatives and policies: by participating in the REWIRE project, the organisation has become part of a wider European initiative to address cyber skills challenges. This has strengthened its role in shaping European policies, strategies and tools for cybersecurity.
• Opportunities for the development of new projects and initiatives: active participation in the development of the European Cybersecurity Skills Strategy and the opportunity for collaboration with other leading organisations has provided CyberSecurityHubcz with valuable contacts for future collaborations and projects aimed at training and developing cybersecurity professionals.